

My name is Steve. There are few things in this world I love as much as traveling. But, probably like you, I don’t have an unlimited budget to trot around the globe for months on end. So, a few years ago, I started traveling using credit card sign-up bonuses. A friend at work got me started on the idea and I decided to give it a try. In that short amount of time, I’ve had some incredible successes, gone on some awesome adventures, and also made a bunch of mistakes. My hope is that you can learn from my experiences and start checking off your bucket list without breaking the bank.

On the navigation pane above, you will find a “Start Here” section. That will give you step-by-step instructions for how to get started using credit card sign-up bonuses for travel. I also advocate sound financial practices, especially for young people. Getting your finances under control opens up a vast amount of options, including travel. You can find tips and tricks for getting your finances in tip-top shape under the section “Personal Finance”. If there are any topics you have questions on, please let me know and I’ll respond via this blog.

Happy travels!